Sciton Moxi Treatment Aftercare Instructions

Congratulations on taking a step towards revitalized skin with your Sciton Moxi treatment. To ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery, please follow these aftercare instructions:

Immediately Following Your Treatment:

  • Mild Redness and Swelling: It’s common to experience some redness and swelling similar to a mild sunburn immediately after the treatment. This typically subsides within a few hours to a couple of days.

  • Cooling the Skin: If necessary, apply a cool compress to soothe the treated area. Avoid applying ice directly.

First 24-48 Hours:

  • Sun Protection: Protect your skin from the sun. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and avoid direct sunlight. Wear a wide-brimmed hat if you need to be outdoors.

  • Gentle Skin Care: Use gentle, non-abrasive cleansers and skin care products. Avoid using products containing retinol, acids, or exfoliants until the skin has fully recovered.

  • Heat Avoidance: Steer clear of high temperatures found in saunas, steam rooms, and hot showers for the first 48 hours to minimize irritation and swelling.

General Skin Care:

  • Hydration: Keep your skin well-moisturized. Apply a gentle, hydrating moisturizer to support the healing process.

  • Makeup: You may start using makeup 24 hours after treatment, provided you apply and remove it gently.

  • Avoid Picking: As your skin heals, you may notice a sandpaper-like texture. It’s essential not to pick or scrub at these areas to prevent scarring.

Long-Term Care:

  • Ongoing Sun Protection: Continuous protection against UV rays will help maintain your results and prevent further skin damage. Use a high-SPF sunscreen daily.

  • Follow-Up Treatments: Depending on your skincare goals, additional Moxi sessions may be recommended. Be sure to schedule any follow-up appointments as advised.

When to Contact Your Provider:

  • Contact our office immediately if you experience excessive swelling, severe pain, signs of infection (e.g., warmth, pus), or any other unusual symptoms.

Expected Results:

  • Improvement in skin tone and texture can be seen as your skin heals, typically noticeable within a few days, with continued improvements over the following weeks.

Thank you for choosing [Your Clinic’s Name] for your Sciton Moxi treatment. We’re here to support you through your skin rejuvenation journey. If you have any questions or concerns about your recovery, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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