Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Instructions

Congratulations on completing your laser hair removal session at Farashe Med Spa. For the best results and to ensure a smooth recovery, please follow these aftercare instructions:

Immediately After Treatment:

  • Redness and Swelling: It's normal to experience some redness and swelling around the treatment area, similar to mild sunburn. These symptoms should subside within a few hours to a few days.

  • Cool Compress: Apply a cool compress or aloe vera gel to soothe the treated area if it feels uncomfortable.

First 24-48 Hours:

  • Avoid Heat: Skip hot baths, saunas, and steam rooms to prevent further irritation.

  • Sun Protection: Protect the treated area from direct sunlight. Apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen and cover the area when outdoors. Avoid tanning beds.

  • Gentle Skincare: Use gentle, fragrance-free products on the treated area. Avoid any products that may irritate the skin, such as retinoids and exfoliating acids.

For the Next Week:

  • No Exfoliating: Do not scrub or exfoliate the treated area for at least one week. Allow the skin to heal naturally.

  • Avoid Plucking or Waxing: Shaving is fine, but avoid any hair removal methods that pull the hair from the root, as this can interfere with your treatment results.

General Tips:

  • Moisturize: Keep the skin moisturized with a gentle, non-comedogenic lotion to promote healing.

  • Makeup: If the treated area is on the face, you may apply makeup the next day, provided there is no blistering or significant irritation.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps your skin heal better.

When to Contact Your Provider:

  • If you experience unusual symptoms, such as blistering, excessive redness or swelling, or signs of infection, contact [Your Clinic's Name] immediately for advice.

Expected Results:

  • Some hairs will shed in the first few weeks post-treatment. It may take several sessions to achieve desired hair reduction.

  • Your next session should be scheduled based on your treatment plan to ensure optimal results.

Thank you for choosing Farashe Med Spafor your laser hair removal needs. If you have any questions or concerns about your aftercare or need to schedule your next appointment, please reach out to us.

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